1: How can I order?
You can order easily using our online platform. When you find a product you need, you can add it to cart, login and go through the ordering process. After the order is ready, you will receive order summary to your email. Order summary will also be stored to your account.
2. What information should I input when ordering?
Our online ordering system will ask for all the important information you should submit.
Please make sure all shipping information is correct before checking out. WE WILL NOT CHANGE SHIPPING ADDRESSES AFTER AN ORDER IS PLACED.
3. What payment methods can I use?
You can use all the major credit cards and PayPal.
4. What are the delivery charges?
Delivery charges are dependent on the shipment requirements. If the products on your order are due to special requirements extra fee will be added to the shipment charges. You can see the shipping fees on the checkout process before the payment is made.
5. What are the terms and conditions?
All sales are final.
6. Do you have the product in stock?
All the products which are shown on our site are available. Order lead time depends on the products and quantities.
Email hello@dagoodybag.com if you have any unanswered questions.